Most business owners understand the need to network. It’s not what you know, but who you know. However, knowing seasoned sales professional, Jas Knowles, may or may not benefit you or your business. From fashion, hygiene, gender equality, culture and indeed, business values that all seem to hark back to the early ’90s, you might be able to relate to Jas, but you won’t be able to look at yourself in the mirror when part of you is just a little bit fond of him.
Follow Jas as he attends his weekly breakfast networking group where his profound lack of self-awareness and political correctness steamrolls through the morning meeting. After eyebrow-raising interactions with fellow members and a jaw-droppingly shambolic 10-minute presentation, Jas is handed the referral slip he’s been waiting for: the opportunity to win a six-figure sales training contract for one of the region’s biggest companies. Surely, he won’t mess up his meeting with company Director Mr Barton?
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