Every musical release, whether it be through a streaming site, a download site, or a YouTube video is accompanied and led by copy. It’s often the copy that stands out from the plethora of competing music and that convinces the shopper or the surfer to click on the listen or play link.

Every musical release should include:

A Release One-Sheet

As the name eludes, a One-sheet is one side of A4 providing release information. But the format is essential. From this, the release headline and copy should be aligned and drawn from. With little time to grab attention, the One-sheet should convey meaning, convince readers that this is for them, and leverage one or several calls to action. So this copy needs to be as effective as succinct.

An Artist’s Biography

The adage ‘people buy from people’ firmly applies to art, including music. Music is a reflection of our values and taste and the more meaning we can draw from the artist, their vision, influences and values, the more we might want to engage as an audience.

A Press Pack

For bigger releases, to encourage wider uptake of messaging and promotion, providing resources for others to effortlessly utilise is highly advantageous. Supplying professionally-produced images and a press release that conveys the facts surrounding the artist and a release, that can be easily extracted and utilised is essential.

To discuss your release schedule and how we can help, speak to Middle 8!