Male pattern baldness is progressive. Understand what’s causing it NOW and save time, heartache, money and hair.
The no bull, totally unsponsored book all men who are starting to lose their hair need to read. Now. Time is of the essence.
Understand the cause of male hair loss, how to stop it and how to, in some cases, grow more hair back.
Learn about the only remedies proven to work. These are the Tier 1 remedies. Find out about all of the other unproven, but nonetheless partially useful tier 2 remedies, and then the tier 3 remedies that may contribute towards better quality hair.
Stop falling for one of the most widespread marketing scams of all time: Male hair loss. Male pattern baldness is progressive.
Stop wasting time on what may or may not work. This book cuts right through the snake oils, the marketing spins and the downright scams, saving you time, money, heartache and hair, written by someone who has ‘been there and done that’ and who has preserver most of their hair.